Tipping in Hurghada: Your Guide To How And When To Tip

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When visiting Hurghada, understanding tipping etiquette is essential for a smooth experience.

Tipping is customary in Egypt, including at hotels, restaurants, and for tour guides. For example, when dining at upscale restaurants, it’s considerate to tip at least 20% of your bill.

In addition, staff in Egypt are often paid low wages, so tipping is a way to show appreciation for their hard work.

At all-inclusive resorts in Hurghada, it’s common to tip housekeeping and pool staff at the end of your stay. Tipping is a gesture of gratitude for the service you receive.

The River Nile at Luxor
The River Nile at Luxor

Understanding Tipping in Hurghada

Cultural Insights

When visiting Hurghada, it’s important to understand the local customs and cultural practices. Tipping is a significant part of Egyptian culture and is often seen as a gesture of appreciation for good service.

In Egypt, tipping reflects your satisfaction with the service received and is generally expected in various situations.

Tipping Etiquette in Egypt

In Hurghada, tipping is customary in restaurants, hotels, and for services such as guided tours and transportation. It’s common to leave a tip of around 10-15% in restaurants if a service charge hasn’t already been included.

For hotel staff, a small tip for good service is appreciated, and for tour guides and drivers, a gratuity is customary.

Remember, tipping is a personal decision, and the amount may vary based on the quality of service received.

Understanding and respecting the local tipping etiquette can enhance your experience in Hurghada and show appreciation for the hospitality you receive.

Inside of a Luxor temple
Inside of a Luxor temple

The Basics of Tipping

When visiting Hurghada, tipping is a common practice to show appreciation for good service. Tipping is optional, but it is expected in most situations.

Here are some guidelines to help you understand the basics of tipping in Hurghada.

Who to Tip

In Hurghada, you should tip staff who provide you with any kind of service. This includes hotel staff, restaurant staff, taxi drivers, and tour guides. It is customary to tip around 10% of the total cost of the service provided.

When to Tip

In most cases, you should tip at the end of the service. For example, if you are dining at a restaurant, you should leave the tip when you pay the bill. If you are taking a taxi, you should tip the driver when you arrive at your destination.

In some cases, a service charge may be added to your bill. This is common in hotels and restaurants. If a service charge has been added, you do not need to leave an additional tip unless you want to show extra appreciation for exceptional service.

Remember that tipping is a way to show appreciation for good service. It is not mandatory, but it is expected in most situations. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that you are tipping appropriately and showing your appreciation for the service you receive.

Shakshuka - Eggs and Tomato

Currency and Exchange Rates

When visiting Hurghada, it’s important to have a good understanding of the local currency and exchange rates.

The official currency in Egypt is the Egyptian Pound (EGP), which is divided into smaller units called piastres.

Using Egyptian Pounds

Most businesses in Hurghada accept payment in Egyptian Pounds. You can withdraw cash from ATMs located throughout the city, or exchange your foreign currency at a local bank or currency exchange office.

It’s important to note that some businesses may not accept foreign currency, so it’s best to always carry some Egyptian Pounds with you.

Currency Exchange Tips

When exchanging currency, it’s important to be aware of the current exchange rate to ensure you’re getting a fair deal.

You can check the current exchange rate online or through a currency exchange app. It’s also important to shop around for the best exchange rate, as rates can vary between different banks and exchange offices.

When exchanging currency, it’s recommended to avoid exchanging money at the airport, as exchange rates tend to be higher. Instead, exchange your currency at a local bank or currency exchange office.

Be sure to check the exchange rate and any fees or commissions before making the exchange.

Quad bike in the desert

It’s also important to be aware of the denominations of Egyptian Pounds. The most common notes are 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, and 500 EGP.

There are also coins in denominations of 25 and 50 piastres, as well as 1, 5, and 10 EGP.

Overall, it’s important to have a good understanding of the local currency and exchange rates when visiting Hurghada.

By following these tips, you can ensure you’re getting a fair deal when exchanging currency and using Egyptian Pounds during your stay.

Tipping at Hotels and Accommodations

When you stay at a hotel or other accommodation in Hurghada, it is customary to tip the staff who help you during your stay. This includes the housekeeping staff, porters, and concierge.

Tipping is not mandatory, but it is appreciated and can help ensure that you receive good service during your stay.

Hotel Staff and Housekeeping

When it comes to hotel staff and housekeeping, it is customary to tip between £1 and £2 per day. This can be left on the dresser or nightstand in your room.

If you have any special requests or need extra towels or toiletries, it is a good idea to tip a little extra to show your appreciation.

All-Inclusive Resorts

If you are staying at an all-inclusive resort, you might not have as much interaction with the staff as you would at a regular hotel.

However, it is still a good idea to tip the housekeeping staff who clean your room each day. You can leave between £1 and £2 per day on the dresser or nightstand in your room.

When it comes to tipping at the restaurants and bars in an all-inclusive resort, it is not necessary to tip as the service charge is usually included in the price of your stay.

However, if you receive exceptional service from a waiter or bartender, a small tip of £1 or £2 is appreciated.

Hurghada Diving

Dining Out: Restaurants and Cafes

Tipping at Restaurants

When dining at restaurants in Hurghada, tipping is a common practice. It’s customary to tip around 10-15% of your bill to the waiter.

For exceptional service, consider tipping a little more. For example, if your bill comes to £20, leaving a tip of £3-£4 is considered polite and appreciative.

Cafe Culture

In cafes, tipping is also appreciated. If the service is good, leaving a small tip, around 10% of the bill, is a nice gesture.

If you enjoy a coffee and cake that costs £5, leaving a tip of 50p to £1 is a friendly way to show your appreciation to the waiters or bar staff who have served you.

Crystal Bay Hurghada
Photo: Crystal Bay Resort Hurghada

Transport and Tipping

When it comes to getting around Hurghada, taxis and private drivers are the most common forms of transportation. Tipping is not mandatory, but it is customary to tip taxi drivers and private drivers in Hurghada.

Taxis and Private Drivers

If you take a taxi in Hurghada, it is common to round up the fare. For example, if your fare is 35 EGP, you can round it up to 40 EGP. If you have a private driver, it is customary to tip them 10% of the total fare.

When it comes to haggling over the fare, it is best to agree on a price before getting into the taxi or car. This will avoid any confusion or misunderstandings about the fare.

Tour Transportation

If you are taking a tour in Hurghada, it is common to tip the tour guide. The amount you tip depends on the length of the tour and the quality of the service. A good rule of thumb is to tip 10% of the total cost of the tour.

It is also customary to tip the driver of the tour bus. The amount you tip depends on the length of the tour and the quality of the service. A good rule of thumb is to tip 5% of the total cost of the tour.

Remember, tipping is a way to show appreciation for good service. It is not mandatory, but it is a good way to show your gratitude.

Hurghada Beach

Special Services and Additional Tips

Spa and Salon Gratuities

When visiting spas or salons in Hurghada, it is customary to tip the therapist or practitioner. A tip of 10% to 20% is typical based on how happy you are with the service.

After your spa or wellness service, tip the therapist or practitioner

If you book multiple treatments, such as a massage, facial, and body scrub, consider tipping more. Since usually one practitioner handles all your services, a tip of 15-20% is appropriate.

Tourism Services

When it comes to tourism services, such as tours or Nile River cruises, tipping is also expected. For tours, a tip of 10-20% of the total cost is appropriate, depending on the quality of the service. If you are on a Nile River cruise, tipping the boat purser around £5 per day is customary.

It is important to note that tipping is not mandatory, but it is greatly appreciated by those providing the services. Remember to always use the local currency when tipping and to convert your money at a local currency exchange for the best rates.

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Handling Awkward Situations

Dealing with Pressure to Tip

Tipping in Hurghada is a common practice, but it is not obligatory. You may feel pressure to tip, especially if you are not used to tipping in your home country.

However, it is important to remember that tipping should be a gesture of gratitude, not an obligation. If you feel uncomfortable with the amount or frequency of tipping, you can politely decline or give a smaller amount.

For example, if a waiter is insisting on a large tip, you can say, “Thank you for your excellent service, but I have already included a tip in the bill.”

Alternatively, you can give a smaller amount and say, “Thank you for your service, this is all I can afford at the moment.”

Tipping Discretion

Tipping is a personal matter, and there are no hard and fast rules about how much to tip. It is appropriate to tip based on the level of service you receive and your personal connection with the service provider.

For example, if you have a personal connection with a tour guide, you may want to give a larger tip than you would to a driver.

When in doubt, you can use the following guidelines as a starting point:

  • Restaurants and Cafes: 10% of the bill or 5-10 EGP for small bills.
  • Tour Guides: 10-50 dollars per day, depending on the group size and level of service.
  • Drivers: 5-10 dollars per day.
  • Housekeeping: 5 to 10 dollars per day left on the bed or in an envelope.

Remember, tipping is a way to show gratitude for good service, not an obligation. If you feel uncomfortable with the amount or frequency of tipping, you can politely decline or give a smaller amount. Finally, don’t forget to say “Shukran” (thank you) when you give a tip.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much should one tip in Egyptian pounds while on holiday in Hurghada?

When on holiday in Hurghada, it’s customary to tip in Egyptian pounds. For example, tipping 10-20 Egyptian pounds for good service at a restaurant is common.

What are the customary tipping practices at all-inclusive resorts in Hurghada?

At all-inclusive resorts in Hurghada, tipping is not mandatory, but it’s appreciated. You can tip 10-20 Egyptian pounds for good service.

From a UK traveller’s perspective, what tipping etiquette should be followed in Hurghada?

As a UK traveller, you can follow the local tipping customs by tipping 10-20 Egyptian pounds for good service at restaurants, hotels, and for transportation services.

Are tips expected by service staff in Hurghada, and if so, what amounts are considered polite?

While tips are not always expected, they are appreciated. For good service, consider tipping 10-20 Egyptian pounds.

What is the appropriate amount to tip hotel staff during a stay in Hurghada?

For hotel staff in Hurghada, tipping 10-20 Egyptian pounds for good service is considered appropriate.

How much should one tip a driver for transportation services in Hurghada?

When tipping a driver for transportation services in Hurghada, consider tipping 10-20 Egyptian pounds for their service.